Tanawha Adventures' South Mountains Marathons Net Donation, New Members for Foothills Conservancy of North Carolina


The South Mountains Marathons, a pair of trail races in the South Mountains created by Tanawha Adventures, netted a $3,500 donation as well as 10 new members for Foothills Conservancy of North Carolina, the land trust serving the South Mountains area.Brandon Thrower, founder of Tanawha Adventures, selected the conservancy as one of the beneficiaries of race proceeds."When developing this course a couple years ago and really delving into the history of the protection of the South Mountains, Foothills Conservancy's name was constantly popping up—they were exactly the group I wanted this race to support,” says Thrower. “They are such an active conservancy in our area and without them we might not even have these natural treasures in the foothills for all of us to enjoy. So, it was important to me to help them out in any way I could. I intend for my company to continue be a substantial helper in the world of conservation and I have some other races in the works coming up later this year and next year that I'm excited to share with everyone to help with that cause. We’ll have more details on those in the coming weeks and months ahead.”Thrower, who is also a full-time teacher, created Tanawha Adventures in 2016 out of a desire to give back to the land and trails enjoyed by many in the region. Tanawha Adventures works to designing beautiful trail race courses, in an effort to expose race participants to the scenic beauty of the region and inspire them to join in efforts to conserve and protect wild lands and trails.The company partners with local conservation and advocacy groups through its races, and allocates a substantial percentage of its race proceeds to their causes.“This is an exciting opportunity to partner with Brandon and Tanawha Adventures to get more people out on the land, enjoying the natural beauty of the Blue Ridge Mountains and foothills that we serve,” says Beth Willard-Patton, development director for Foothills Conservancy. “We’re grateful for their generous financial support from the proceeds of the South Mountains Marathons, and look forward to future opportunities to support each other’s work to protect the scenic beauty of this special place.”Tanawha Adventures currently offers three annual events in the region: The Table Rock Ultras (50K and 30K races) each September, the South Mountains Marathons (marathon and half-marathon) in January, and the Fonta Flora Half-marathon in April. This year the Fonta Flora Half-marathon will take place on Saturday, April 22. More information is available at tanawhaadventures.com/fontaflorahalfmarathon.The South Mountains Marathons races were originally scheduled for January 7, 2017 but had to be rescheduled for March 4, 2017 due to snow. 


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