August 2024 - Supporter Update


Partners in Perpetuity

Our Summer Appeal fundraiser match is in full swing. As a nonprofit land trust, we rely on the support of our incredible community to achieve community-centered conservation goals in our region. FCNC’s mission encompasses conserving habitats for wildlife and plants, securing water quality, providing equitable access to nature through public parks and trails, protecting family farms, and offering environmental education to our communities.

We are dedicated to this important work – and we cannot do it without your support. We view each of you as our most cherished partners, working hand-in-hand to permanently conserve the lands and waters in the foothills and Blue Ridge Mountains of western NC.

The work we do is enduring. Your support signifies a lasting investment in our mission of conservation, protection, and stewardship of natural resources for future generations. Please continue to give and help us spread the word about our Summer Appeal campaign.

Together, we can make this summer truly remarkable for our community!

With Gratitude,

Katherine Ehrlichman

Marketing and Development Director

Conservation Easement Conveyed on 441-acre Property

On July 30th, FCNC conveyed a conservation easement to the NC Land and Water Fund, permanently protecting a 441-acre property in the headwaters of the Henry Fork River in Burke County that we acquired at the end of 2023.

The property, which we call Prospect Ridge, forms the core of our Henry Fork River Preserve, connecting multiple parcels of land that FCNC has acquired over the last 10 years into a single, uninterrupted conservation area approximately 850 acres in size. This preserve contains a highly significant natural area with rock outcrops that serve as habitat for many rare species.

The preserve will also host a segment of the public trail called the Wilderness Gateway State Trail, and FCNC expects to break ground on that trail project later this year. The state-held conservation easement ensures the highest level of perpetual protection for this extraordinary place.

Wilderness Watershed Adventure, Trail Crew Thursdays

Wilderness Watershed Adventure, a 4-day overnight experience for teens, is going on right now! This sold-out event is the collaborative effort of FCNC, Lake James Environmental Association, and Montreat College, to help them develop valuable outdoor skills and scientific knowledge, as well as contribute to real-world conservation efforts.

The student will then speak about their experiences at an event on August 8th at the Lake James State Park Visitors Center. Stay tuned for next month's email newsletter where we will share more about this incredible event!

Photo Credit: Bobby Haven, 365 Degree Total Marketing

Catawba Meadows Mountain Bike Trails Groundbreaking

On July 25th, FCNC and the Burke County Chamber of Commerce held a groundbreaking ceremony for the Catawba Meadows mountain bike trail system. Representatives from Burke County, the City of Morganton, Overmountain Cycles, the North Carolina Interscholastic Cycling League, and our State Legislature were in attendance to celebrate the new trail system.

This project has been long in the making. While building a new trail seems like a simple endeavor, it takes years of planning, permitting, and fundraising. This project required a trail easement on private land, a floodplain permit, a no-rise study, and an erosion and sediment control plan – all before the construction phase of the project could begin. 

FCNC hired Black Diamond Design to construct the trails - a company with a proven history and record of creating top quality sustainable bike trails. We are excited to open the trail for public use sometime this fall.

Community Agriculture Program @ Oak Hill Park: Sensory Garden!

FCNC is excited to announce that we have begun development on the next phase of our Community Agriculture Program at Oak Hill Community Park & Forest, which entails the creation of a community orchard, sensory garden, and accessible trail.

Our volunteer Community Agriculture Development Committee met over the summer to develop the vision for the project, and thanks to funding from the TSH Charitable Foundation, we have hired Equinox Environmental to develop that vision into an action plan.

The orchard will be home to a variety of fruit and nut bearing trees and shrubs that will be available for public exploration through an ADA-compliant walking path that will feature several interactive elements that will allow everyone, regardless of their level of physical ability, to experience the sights, sounds, textures, aromas, and flavors of local agriculture.

Be on the lookout for more information in the coming months and for ways you can get involved in bringing this unique community asset to life. 

Annual Audit in Progress

Each year, FCNC undergoes a rigorous financial audit through a professional, independent accounting firm. Financial audits provide information for management and the board, as well as external stakeholders such as potential funders, and are designed to permit the auditor to state an opinion about the extent to which FCNC’s financial statements fairly represent our financial condition and the results of our activities over the past year. 

This information also helps our board of directors ensure that our land trust resources are used only to accomplish our mission, our assets are safeguarded, we’ve complied with all laws and regulations and have honored all agreements with donors regarding the use of their funds. Boards must have reliable financial information to fulfill these critical oversight roles.

For the better part of twenty years, FCNC has engaged the services of local accounting firm, Lowdermilk Church & Co, LLP, of Morganton, NC, to audit our financials on an annual basis.

We love to hear from our donors, volunteers, and supporters. Please get in touch with us! Reach out to us by simply responding to this email. A member of our team will be in touch with you.

For questions regarding a donation, please reach out to Marketing and Development Director, Katherine Ehrlichman. ( or call 828-437-9930.


Foothills Conservancy of North Carolina Purchases 117 Acres Adjoining Johns River and Wilson Creek Confluence


Breaking ground on 5 miles of Mountain Bike Trail at Catawba Meadows Park