Foothills Conservancy Protects 183 Acres Along Tim's Creek in Burke County

A 183-acre property along Tim’s Creek in the Icard Township of eastern Burke County is now permanently protected thanks to conservation-minded landowners who worked with Foothills Conservancy of North Carolina to place it under a conservation easement.Diane and Jacques Geitner donated a conservation easement on their property to Foothills Conservancy, ensuring that the land will never be developed or divided.“It is gratifying to know that the natural beauty of this place that we love so much will be preserved through our partnership with Foothills Conservancy, and that it will remain a habitat for native plants and wildlife,” said Diane Geitner. “We encourage other landowners to consider placing their property in a conservation easement to protect their land in perpetuity.”The Tim’s Creek property includes 153 acres of mature forest and 30 acres of open pasture land. It connects two State Significant Natural Heritage Areas: Smith Mountain to the north, and Hildebran Mountain to the south.About 1.5 miles of Tim’s Creek and its tributary streams lace the property. Tim’s Creek is a direct tributary of the Henry Fork River, which is an important watershed conservation focus area for Foothills Conservancy. The Henry Fork River is an Outstanding Resource Water and contributes to municipal water supplies downstream in the Catawba River basin.“Working with the Geitners to protect their land along Tim’s Creek with a conservation easement was a pleasure,” said Foothills Conservancy Executive Director Andrew Kota. “It is always a positive experience when Foothills Conservancy is able to assist private landowners in meeting their goal of conserving land and streams that are important to them. Protecting the Geitner’s property helps achieve our land trust’s goal of increased conservation land and watershed protection in this region.”Funding for the project came from a grant from the North Carolina Clean Water Management Trust Fund’s mini-grant program, and a generous contribution from the Geitners.

Foothills Conservancy Welcomes Two New Staff Members


Guided Hike at Wildacres Retreat Center September 23